Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Figure out the bus. Check.

Monday was our first day to try using the bus by ourselves. Last week, Sheryl, Heidi and Anna's mom had just been driving us to school and Bro. Jacobs had been taking us home. But we had bought bus passes and finally figured out the bus system and times. So the four of us met up at the bus stop early Monday morning, eager to see if we could figure out the public bus system (Jessica had finally figured out that just because it's a public bus, doesn't mean it's free :)). We failed. I don't know what happened! We stood up when we saw our bus approaching, but it didn't stop! Yes, it was the right number and yes, she saw us. Maybe we just didn't step up to the curb with enough conviction that the bus driver thought, "You know, maybe I won't stop here". I have no idea. The looks of shock on our faces must have been pretty funny. And I couldn't help but laugh out loud when Jessica yelled in frustration, "Holy Hell!" No worries though, we got a ride to school. The next morning we got on an earlier bus. We were making SURE we got on that one. Funny how I'm 22 years old, and the accomplishment of riding the bus to school by myself still made me feel so proud. I'm a big girl now!


  1. Haha!!! I love that! I'm still laughing at the thought. Glad you let me be a fly on the wall for that one. I wonder what the bus driver must have been thinking . . . hmm . . . .

  2. BEAN i had the exact same thing happen to me when i was in New Zealand! hahah. You coined it so well...I remember thinking wow people must be looking at my face right now and laughing because my face emulated such utter shocked that the bus would just drive right on by even though we were clearly making it known we wanted to get on the bus. And I think a girl with me swore too...hahahaha. Good luck!
